Location Estimation from the Ground Up

by Sivan Toledo, Tel Aviv University

Print copies are available from the publisher (SIAM) and on Amazon.
Electronic copies are available from SIAM.
SIAM provides free access to the table of contents, preface, and Index, as well as to a sample chapter (Chapter 15 on Kalman filtering and smoothing).
A partial preview is also avaialble on Google Books.


Files for Problem 13.8.1: sinchips.m, toaSoundStereo.wav, toaSoundRecording.wav.
Files for Problem 13.8.3: rtlsdr-1575-42.wav, cacode.m, modulator.m.

Reviews and Posts

A review in MAA Reviews, Brian Borchers, October 2020.
A post in the blog of the Royal Institute of Navigation, September 2020.

Bibtex Record

  author    = "Sivan Toledo",
  title     = "Location Estimation from the Ground Up",
  publisher = "Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics",
  year      = 2020,
  doi       = "10.1137/1.9781611976298",
  address   = "Philadelphia, PA",
  url       = "https://doi.org/10.1137/1.9781611976298",
  eISBN     = "978-1-61197-629-8",
  ISBN      = "978-1-61197-628-1"