2008 course is availalbe at imlclass google site
A learning machine is one that can adapt its behavior based on its past history and feedback from its environment. This class provides an introduction to the foundations, theory and practice of machine learning. It is loosely based on the Hebrew University course #67577, taught by Prof. Shashua.
The course is intended for 2nd and 3rd year undergraduates. The following background is assumed: some familiarity with probability, and basic programming skills
There will be several group projects. Groups will be determined randomly for each task. In order to be eligible for a final grade, you must submit all homework duties. The homework will account for 0.7-1.0 of the final grade.
Submission format: Each group will send one e-mail to: The email should have the title "Assignment: 1 Group: 11, Group Leader: Ben Hur" (replace with the actual details). Please do not write anything in the e-mail's body, except for the names of the group members. Leader first, one member in each line. Attach one .zip file containing a short document describing what you did ("summary.txt"), a zip file called code.zip that contains all code you used for the experiment, and a zip file called data.zip that contains all data. Please also include a README.txt file describing the format of the data files and comilation+execution instructions.