CGALPY Bindings
For convenience, DiscoPygal imports all the common CGAL objects and entities from CGALPY, so that the writing of these objects in the Python code can be shorted.
Currently the docs yeild ugly C++ class implementation. In the meantime, here is a clean docstring that documents the relevant variables:
CGAL Modules
: CGAL Kernel moduleMs2: CGAL 2D Minkowski Sums module
Aos2: CGAL 2D Arrangements module
Pol2: CGAL 2D Polygons module
SS: CGAL Spatial Search module
PP2: CGAL 2D Polygon Partitioning module
Bso2: CGAL Boolean Set Operations module
CGAL Kernel Objects
Point_d: CGAL Point_d object
Point_2: CGAL Point_2 object
FT: CGAL Field Type (FT) object
Gmpq: CGAL Gmpq object
Segment_2: CGAL Segment_2 object
Circle_2: CGAL Circle_2 object
Vector_2: CGAL Vector_2 object
CGAL Spatial Search
Euclidean_distance: CGAL Euclediean distance function
K_neighbor_search: CGAL K_neighbor_search
Kd_tree: CGAL Kd_tree
Fuzzy_sphere: CGAL Fuzzy sphere
CGAL Transformations
Aff_transformation_2: CGAL Aff_transformation_2
Rotation: CGAL Rotation
Direction_2: CGAL Direction_2
CGAL Arrangements
Arrangement_2: CGAL 2D Arrangement
Face: CGAL Arrangement Face handle
Halfedge: CGAL Arrangement Halfedge handle
Vertex: CGAL Arrangement Vertex handle
Arr_trapezoid_ric_point_location: CGAL Arrangement trapezoid ric point location
Arr_overlay_function_traits: CGAL Arrangement face overlay traits
X_monotone_curve_2: CGAL X_monotone_curve_2 object
Curve_2: CGAL Curve_2 object
TPoint: CGAL Aos2 Point_2
CGAL 2D Polygons
Polygon_2: CGAL Polygon_2
Polygon_set_2: CGAL Polygon_set_2
Polygon_with_holes_2: CGAL Polygon_with_holes_2
- class discopygal.bindings.Aff_transformation_2
- cartesian
- hm
- homogeneous
- inverse
- is_even
- is_odd
- m
- transform
- discopygal.bindings.Aos2 = <module 'CGALPY_epec._CGALPY.Aos2'>
CGAL 2D Arrangements module
- class discopygal.bindings.Arr_overlay_function_traits
- set_ee_e
- set_ee_v
- set_ef_e
- set_ev_v
- set_fe_e
- set_ff_f
- set_fv_v
- set_ve_v
- set_vf_v
- set_vv_v
- discopygal.bindings.Bso2 = <module 'CGALPY_epec._CGALPY.Bso2'>
CGAL Boolean Set Operations module
- class discopygal.bindings.Circle_2
- bounded_side
- center
- has_on_boundary
- has_on_bounded_side
- has_on_negative_side
- has_on_positive_side
- has_on_unbounded_side
- is_degenerate
- orientation
- oriented_side
- orthogonal_transform
- squared_radius
- class discopygal.bindings.Curve_2
- is_circular
- is_full
- is_linear
- orientation
- source
- supporting_circle
- supporting_line
- target
- class discopygal.bindings.Direction_2
- counterclockwise_in_between
- delta
- dx
- dy
- transform
- vector
- class discopygal.bindings.Euclidean_distance
- max_distance_to_rectangle
- min_distance_to_rectangle
- transformed_distance
- class discopygal.bindings.Face
- data
- has_outer_ccb
- holes
- inner_ccbs
- number_of_holes
- number_of_inner_ccbs
- number_of_isolated_vertices
- number_of_outer_ccbs
- outer_ccb
- outer_ccbs
- set_data
- class discopygal.bindings.Halfedge
- ccb
- curve
- data
- direction
- face
- is_fictitious
- next
- prev
- set_data
- source
- target
- twin
- class discopygal.bindings.Kd_tree
- build
- capacity
- insert
- invalidate_build
- points
- remove
- reserve
- search
- size
- discopygal.bindings.Ker = <module 'CGALPY_epec._CGALPY.Ker'>
CGAL Kernel module
- discopygal.bindings.Ms2 = <module 'CGALPY_epec._CGALPY.Ms2'>
CGAL 2D Minkowski Sums module
- discopygal.bindings.Pol2 = <module 'CGALPY_epec._CGALPY.Pol2'>
CGAL 2D Polygons module
- class discopygal.bindings.Polygon_2
- area
- bbox
- bottom_vertex
- bounded_side
- clear
- edge
- edges
- has_on_boundary
- has_on_bounded_side
- has_on_negative_side
- has_on_positive_side
- has_on_unbounded_side
- is_clockwise_oriented
- is_collinear_oriented
- is_convex
- is_counterclockwise_oriented
- is_empty
- is_simple
- left_vertex
- orientation
- oriented_side
- push_back
- reverse_orientation
- right_vertex
- size
- top_vertex
- vertex
- vertex_mutable
- vertices
- class discopygal.bindings.Rotation
- class discopygal.bindings.Segment_2
- bbox
- collinear_has_on
- direction
- has_on
- is_degenerate
- is_horizontal
- is_vertical
- max
- min
- opposite
- point
- source
- squared_length
- supporting_line
- target
- to_vector
- vertex
- discopygal.bindings.Ss = <module 'CGALPY_epec._CGALPY.Ss'>
CGAL Spatial Search module
- discopygal.bindings.TPoint
CGAL Aos2 Point_2
- class discopygal.bindings.Vector_2
- cartesian
- dimension
- direction
- homogeneous
- hw
- hx
- hy
- perpendicular
- squared_length
- transform
- x
- y