creates the kinetic partition of the bounding box of the polygons given as input data.
The kinetic partition can either be initialized by using the default constructor Kinetic_space_partition_3(), insert() to provide input data and initialize() to prepare the partition or by using the constructor with input parameters.
identifies the support of a face in the exported linear cell complex, which is either an input polygon, identified by a non-negative number, a side of the bounding box in the rotated coordinate system or a face of the octree used to partition the scene.
Write timing and internal information to std::cout.
Type: bool
Default: false
Use the oriented bounding box instead of the axis-aligned bounding box. While the z direction is maintained, the x axis is aligned with the largest variation in the horizontal plane.
Type: bool
Default: false
Factor for extension of the bounding box of the input data to be used for the partition.
Type: FT
Default: 1.1
The maximal depth of the octree for subdividing the kinetic partition before initialization.
Type: std::size_t
Default: 3
A node in the octree is only split if the contained number of primitives is larger and the maximal depth is not yet reached.
initializes the kinetic partition of the bounding box.
Template Parameters
a sequence of Named Parameters
a sequence of Named Parameters among the ones listed below
Optional Named Parameters
Use the oriented bounding box instead of the axis-aligned bounding box. While the z direction is maintained, the x axis is aligned with the largest variation in the horizontal plane.
Type: bool
Default: false
Factor for extension of the bounding box of the input data to be used for the partition.
Type: FT
Default: 1.1
The maximal depth of the octree for subdividing the kinetic partition before initialization.
Type: std::size_t
Default: 3
A node in the octree is only split if the contained number of primitives is larger and the maximal depth is not yet reached.