an optional sequence of Named Parameters among the ones listed below
Optional Named Parameters
a property map with the patch id's associated to the faces of faces(tmesh)
Type: a class model of ReadWritePropertyMap with boost::graph_traits<TriangleMesh>::face_descriptor as key type and the desired property, model of CopyConstructible and LessThanComparable, and compatible with the Surface_patch_index type of C3T3 as value type.
Default: If not provided, faces patch ids are ignored.
the set of finite tetrahedra of a valid CGAL triangulation. Each element in the range describes a tetrahedron using the indices of the points in points. It must describe a non self-intersecting set of tetrahedra, that cover the convex hull of the corresponding point set. The tetrahedra must form a valid triangulation with each pair of neighboring cells sharing exactly one triangle. Combinatorial validity and validity of the geometric embedding are required.
an optional sequence of Named Parameters among the ones listed below
Optional Named Parameters
each element in the range describes a surface facet using the indices of points in points (indices 0 to 2), and the associated Surface_patch_index (index 3)
Type: a class model of AssociativeContainer whose key type is model of RandomAccessContainer containing int and mapped type is Tr::Cell::Surface_patch_index
Default: an empty boost::unordered_map<std::array<int, 3>, typename Tr::Cell::Surface_patch_index>
Extra: to avoid copies of large data sets, this parameter can be passed using std::cref
each element in the range gives the Triangulation::Cell::Subdomain_index corresponding to the tetrahedron (cell) of same index in tets
Type: a class model of RandomAccessContainer whose value type is Triangulation::Cell::Subdomain_index
Default: each finite cell of the output triangulation is set to have 1 as Subdomain_index
Extra: to avoid copies of large data sets, this parameter can be passed using std::cref
the 3D triangulation built from parameters
points contains each point only once
the output triangulation must be a triangulation of the convex hull of points
is_valid() returns true for the returned triangulation
the set of finite tetrahedra of a valid CGAL triangulation. Each element in the range is the geometric description of the corresponding cell in the triangulation.
the 3D triangulation built from tets
the output triangulation must be a triangulation of the convex hull of tets