Given a set of detected planes with their corresponding inlier sets, this function enables to reinforce four types of regularities among these planes:
Parallelism: planes, which are detected as near parallel, are made exactly parallel.
Orthogonality: planes, which are detected as near orthogonal, are made exactly orthogonal.
Coplanarity: parallel planes, which are detected as near coplanar, are made exactly coplanar.
Axis-Symmetry: planes, which are detected as near symmetrical with respect to a user-specified axis, are made exactly symmetrical.
Planes are directly modified. Points are left unaltered, as well as their relationship to the planes (no transfer of a point from a primitive plane to another).
This function infers a traits class GeomTraits from the PointRange value type.
a model of Range whose iterator type is RandomAccessIterator
a model of ConstRange whose iterator type is RandomAccessIterator
a sequence of Named Parameters
a range of planes to be regularized
a const range of points assigned to planes, see the plane_index_map below for more details
a sequence of Named Parameters among the ones listed below:
Optional Named Parameters
a property map that maps a plane from planes range to CGAL::Plane_3<GeomTraits>
Type: a model of WritablePropertyMap with the value type CGAL::Plane_3<GeomTraits>
Default: PlaneMap()
a property map that maps a point from points range to CGAL::Point_3<GeomTraits>
Type: a model of ReadablePropertyMap with the value type CGAL::Point_3<GeomTraits>
Default: PointMap()
a property map that associates the index of a point in the points range to the index of a plane in the planes range (-1 if point is not assigned to a plane)
Type: a model of ReadablePropertyMap with std::size_t as key type and int as value type
Default: There is no default, this parameters is mandatory
maximum allowed angle in degrees between plane normals used for parallelism, orthogonality, and axis symmetry
Type: GeomTraits::FT
Default: 25 degrees
maximum allowed orthogonal distance between two parallel planes such that they are considered to be coplanar
Type: GeomTraits::FT
Default: 0.01 unit length
indicates whether parallelism should be regularized or not
Type: boolean
Default: true
indicates whether orthogonality should be regularized or not
Type: boolean
Default: true
indicates whether coplanarity should be regularized or not
Type: boolean
Default: true
indicates whether axis symmetry should be regularized or not
Type: boolean
Default: true
an axis for symmetry regularization
Type: GeomTraits::Vector_3
Default: Z axis that is GeomTraits::Vector_3(0, 0, 1)