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Use of
Linear Programming to Find the Optimal Policy
The general
translation of the problem
to a linear
program is as follows:
Minimize: x
Subject To:
It was shown that the Optimality Equations of the discounted
infinite horizon problem are:
Using the above translation we would get the following linear
Subject To:
is any set of constants with the following
These constants can be viewed as the probability
distribution of the agent's initial state in the MDP.
Accordingly, the dual linear program would be:
Subject To:
can be thought of as the
probability of being in state s and performing action a, while taking into account
the discount factor -
In the following theorem
is defined more formally.
is assuring that every solution to the dual linear
program can be translated to a policy with a return value equal to
the maximized element in the program. Thus, the best solution of
the program can be translated to a policy with the maximal
possible return value. This policy will, obviously, be the best
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Previous: A Linear Programming Example
Yishay Mansour