
The Modas project is funded by the European
Research Council under the European
Community’s Seventh Framework Programme
(FP7) / grant MoDaS, agreement n° 291071.
Key data

WebDam-MoDaS Workshop in Eilat
This meeting will be joint between Webdam (in its last year) and
MoDaS (inits first). The meeting will bring together members of the
two projects with the best world specialists in the topics.
Meeting Topic:
We are being overwhelmed by the masses of information that are
available. Typically pieces of information are noisy: imprecise,
incomplete, inconsistent. This may be the case for global information
on the public Web as well as for private information in social networks
systems. We are concerned with combining all the techniques we can
to evaluate the quality of information and work to improve it. This
will typically involve both reasoning in an imprecise environment
(asstressed by Webdam) and relying on crowd participation (as
advocated by MoDaS). The workshop will bring together the two
approaches with an emphasis on the intersection of the two topics
but also considering their disjunction to bring the two groups up to
date with the two topics.
The workshop will serve both as an assessment for Webdam and
a brainstorming for MoDaS.
Program chairs: Tova Milo (Tel Aviv University), Serge Abiteboul
(INRIA, ENSCachan)