be the oriented nodes in
increasing left endpoint order (we ignore unoriented nodes at
this stage). To locate a happy clique in
the algorithm
traverses the oriented nodes in
according to this
order. Let L(e) and R(e) be the left and right endpoints,
respectively, of the interval corresponding to a node e in the
realization of
After traversing
the algorithm maintains a happy clique Ci in the
subgraph of
induced by these vertices. Assume |Ci|=j,
and let
be the vertices in Ciwhere
The vertices of Ci are
maintained in a linked list ordered in increasing left endpoint
order. If there exists an interval that contains all the
intervals in Ci then the algorithm maintains a minimal such
interval ti. The clique Ci and the node ti (if exists)
satisfy the following invariant:
We prove the correctness of this invariant by induction: Initially
and t1 is undefined. If
R(nij) < L(ni+1)then Ci is guaranteed to be happy in
(see figure
10.12(a)), therefore we need to focus only on cases with
The induction step: We assume
correctness up until i and show how to obtain Ci+1 and
ti+1 if
have to consider the following cases:
Case 1. The
interval ti is defined and
R(ti) <R(ni+1). Continue with
Ci+1 = Ci and
ti+1 = ti. See figure
Case 2. The interval
ti is not defined or
R(nij) < R(ni+1) and
Ci+1 is obtained by adding ni+1 to Ci and
ti+1 =
ti. See figure 10.12(c).
R(nij) < R(ni+1) and
L(ni+1) > R(ni1).
The clique Ci+1consists of vi+1 alone and
ti+1 = ti. See figure
R(ni+1) < R(nij). As in the previous case
In this case ti+1 is set to nij,
the last interval in Ci. See figure 10.12(e).
![]() |
The fact that Ci is happy in
the subgraph induced by
follows from this
invariant. It is straightforward to see that the clique Clthat the algorithm stops with, is happy.
The running time of the algorithm is proportional to the number of oriented nodes traversed since a constant amount of work is performed for each oriented node it encounters.