Next: Quality Assessment
Up: The CLICK Algorithm
Previous: The Basic CLICK Algorithm
The Basic-CLICK algorithm will divide the graph into kernels and singletons.
To use the algorithm for solving clustering problems, we must
introduce a number of
- Removing Negative Edges: The MINCUT problem for a
weighted graph with both positive and negative edges is NP-Complete. In order
to use the efficient MINCUT algorithms we must remove the negative
edges. By modifying the algorithm slightly, we can still use the new graph
to find kernels in the original graph.
- Adoption Step: In practice, ``true'' clusters are usually larger
than just the kernel. To accomodate this, in the refined algorithm,
kernels ``adopt'' singletons to create larger clusters. This is done by
searching for a singleton v and a kernel K, whose pairwise fingerprint
similarity is maximum among all pairs of singletons and kernels.
The refined algorithm iteratively applies the adoption step and then
the Basic-CLICK algorithm on the remaining singletons, stopping
when there are no more changes.
- Merge Step: In this step we merge clusters whose fingerprints are
similar (the justification for this is that, in practice, clusters can contain
multiple kernels). The merging is done iteratively, each time merging two
clusters whose fingerprint similarity is the highest (provided that the
similarity exceeds a predefined threshold).
Next: Quality Assessment
Up: The CLICK Algorithm
Previous: The Basic CLICK Algorithm
Peer Itsik