Algebraic Complexity Theory is a classical subfield of computational complexity theory. In recent years, the field has been the subject of an intense revival. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together world leading experts within Algebraic complexity with the aim of discussing the current state of the art and setting the directions for the future.

- Connections between polynomial identity testing and proof complexity.
- Concrete questions from Geometric Complexity Theory.
- Connections between boolean and algebraic analogues of read-once oblivious branching programs.
- Next challenges in arithmetic circuit lower bounds.
- ...
Plenary speakers
Time and place
- Boot-camp: 3rd February to 5th February, 2016
- Workshop: 7th February to 12th February, 2016
- Michael Forbes (Princeton University)
- Amir Shpilka (Tel Aviv University)
- Ramprasad Saptharishi (Tel Aviv University)
Important information
- Boot-camp: 3rd to 5th February, 2016
- Workshop: 7th to 12th February, 2016
- Location: Tel Aviv University, Israel
Recent updates
- [2016-03-20] Videos of all lectures added.
- [2016-02-13] Embedded slides of speakers added.
- [2016-02-12] Slides of all speakers added to the program.
- [2016-02-08] Added a pdf with some accessible concrete open problems that were suggested in the workshop.