Tensor Roadmap

class discopygal.solvers.tensor_roadmap.Roadmap(scene, robot, nearest_neighbors=None, sampler=None)

A class that represents a 2D roadmap, which has the roadmap graph and the collision detection for that roadmap.

  • scene (Scene) – the scene of the roadmap

  • robot (Robot) – robot for which we built the roadmap

  • nearest_neighbors (NearestNeighbors or None) – a nearest neighbors algorithm. if None then use sklearn implementation

  • sampler (Sampler) – sampling algorithm/method. if None then use uniform sampling

add_edge(p, q)

Get two vertices p, q and try to connect them. If we cannot connect them - return False.


True if edge was added

Return type:



Try to add a point to the roadmap. If point is invalid - return False.


point (Point_2) – point to add


True if point was added

Return type:



Sample a random point and try to add it to the roadmap. If point is inavlid - return False


True if point was added

Return type:



Return a list of all landmarks (points) in the roadmap


list of landmarks

Return type:


class discopygal.solvers.tensor_roadmap.TensorRoadmap(roadmaps, nearest_neighbors=None, metric=None)

A class that represents a tensor roadmap, which couples a roadmap of each robot (which was built seperatly) into one large graph product representing motion of all the robots. Note that since for most (nontrivial) cases the explicit roadmap is intractable, we generate an interface which allows us to query the tensor roadmap without explicitly building it - and also remembering the subgraph of queries we made.

Graphs are reprsented using networkx. Vertices of a roadmap of a single robot are Point_2, while vertices of the tensor roadmap are of type Point_d.

  • roadmaps (dict<Robot, networkx.Graph>) – a mapping between each robot and its roadmap

  • nearest_neighbors (NearestNeighbors or None) – a nearest neighbors algorithm. if None then use sklearn implementation

  • metric (Metric or None) – a metric for choosing best edge, can be different then the nearest_neighbors metric! If None then use euclidean metric


Add explictly a tensor vector to the graph (for example when adding start and end points)


tensor_point (Point_d) – a point in the high dimensional space

clean_tensor_edge(p, q)

Get a tensor edge (made of tensorr vertices p and q) and clean it, i.e. make sure that no two robots are intersecting each other. If two robots intersect - then make sure one of them stays in place.


q’, a vertex for which (p,q’) is a valid motion

Return type:


find_best_edge(tensor_vertex, tensor_point)

Given a vertex in the tensor graph and a random tensor point, choose an edge in the tensor graph that is made of the edges in the original roadmaps that take us the closest to the tensor point.

Also note that if two robots collide, we try to make one of them to stay in place (i.e. some robots might stay in place, but at least one robot is guaranteed to move - if an edge was added).


True if an edge was added

Return type:



Get the subgraph of the tensor roadmap discovered so far


Get a tensor point and return a tensor vertex (i.e. vertex of hat(V), the vertices of the tensor graph) that is the closest when comparing in the high dimensional sapce.


tensor_point (Point_d) – a point in the high dimensional space

try_connecting(vertex1, vertex2)

Try connecting two vertices of the tensor graph. We do that by the method proposed by de Berg: http://www.roboticsproceedings.org/rss05/p18.html (Finding each path individually and then trying to find a prioritization which is collision free). Return True if we succeeded connecting.

  • vertex1 (Point_d) – first vertex in the tensor roadmap

  • vertex2 – second vertex in the tensor roadmap


True if we connected the vertices

Return type:


discopygal.solvers.tensor_roadmap.build_probabilistic_roadmap(scene, robot, num_landmarks, k, nearest_neighbors=None, sampler=None)

Build a probabilistic roadmap for the robot in a given scene.

  • scene (Scene) – scene

  • robot (Robot) – robot

  • num_landmarks (int) – number of landmarks to sample for the PRM

  • k (int) – number of nearest neighbors to conenct when building PRM

  • nearest_neighbors (NearestNeighbors or None) – a nearest neighbors algorithm. if None then use sklearn implementation

  • sampler (Sampler) – sampling algorithm/method. if None then use uniform sampling


roadmap for the given robot

