From a group theory point of view, the sorting of signed permutations
can be viewed as follows:
Consider Sn, the symmetric group (group of all permutations)
on n elements. The set
of all possible reversals
is a set of generators of Sn, Therefore, from the group theory
point of view, problem 11.5 is a special case
of the following general problem:
Problem 11.6 INPUT: Two permutations
and a set
of generators. QUESTION: What is their distance, i.e.,what is the shortest
product of generators that transforms
Even and Goldreich have shown that this problem is
NP-Hard [10].
Jerrum Has showed that this problem is also
PSPACE-complete [15].
Problem 11.7 INPUT: A set
of generators. QUESTION: What is the diameter of Sn, where the
diameter is the longest distance between two permutations.
Gates and Papadimitriou have shown [11] that by using
only prefix reversals as generators, the diameter can be bounded by
Itshack Pe`er 1999-03-16