Next: Properties of HCC clustering
Up: The HCC Algorithm
Previous: Oligo fingerprinting
Now that we have the fingerprints of the different cDNA, it remains to be seen
how we can sort them into groups that (hopefully) represent the same gene. For
the specific problem of clustering cDNA fingerprints, several approaches were
suggested previously. Drmanac et al. [15] construct clusters
according to connected components in the similarity graph. However, even with
a low false positives rate in the data, such an algorithm would incorrectly
merge true clusters. Meyer-Ewert, Mott and Lehrach [10] construct
clusters according to maximal cliques. This approach does not work well
either, since computing all maximal cliques is computationally difficult.
Moreover, a high false negative rate may break large clusters into many
maximal cliques, with a hard-to-detect overlap structure. Milosavljevic et
al. [12] construct clusters using a greedy algorithm.
Like most greedy approaches, this algorithm cannot well handle high noise
levels, and the quality of its results is very sensitive to the starting
The algorithm we will describe here is due to Shamir et
al. [6].
Once again we will use graphs as our main tool. Let us define a graph
G=(V,E), where the vertices are the extracted cDNA, and an edge
v2) exists if v1 and v2 have similar fingerprints (for discussing the
definition of similar fingerprints, the interested reader is referred
to [6]).
Recall the following definitions:
- 1.
- The connectivity k(G) of a graph G is the minimum
number of edges whose removal results in a disconnected graph. If k(G)=l
then G is said to be l-(edge)-connected.
- 2.
- A cut in G is a set of edges who removal disconnects the
graph. A minimum cut is a cut with minimum number of edges. If C
is a minimum cut set of a non-trivial graph G, then |C|=k(G). Hence, a
k-connected graph is a nontrivial graph in which the size of a minimum cut
is k.
Had the similarity graph perfectly represented the cluster structure, each
cluster would have formed a clique, as all members of a cluster are highly
similar, and no two clusters would have been connected by an edge. In
practice, searching for cliques in the graph would fail on two accounts:
First, finding maximum cliques is computationally intractable [5].
Second, and more important, real data matrices (and cDNA hybridization
matrices in particular) contain many errors. In terms of the similarity graph,
false negatives correspond to missing edges between vertices in the same
cluster, and false positive errors correspond to extra edges between vertices
of different clusters.
In cDNA fingerprinting, errors in the hybridization data generate inexact
fingerprinting, leading in turn to errors in the similarity graph. That error
rate is very high: The false negative rate in the similarity graph is above
50% and the false positive rate is smaller but still significant.
A key definition for our approach is the following: A graph G with n>1
vertices is called highly connected if
highly connected component (HCC) is an induced subgraph
such that H is highly connected. The algorithm identifies
highly connected components of a given parameter graph. The algorithm given
here assumes that the procedure min-cut(G) returns H,
C, where C is a minimum cut set which separates G into the subgraphs H
Figure 12.4:
The basic HCC algorithm
The algorithm is given in figure 12.4. It works as
follows: In each iteration, it finds the minimum cut in the graph, and
separates the graph into two subgraphs. If the current graph is highly
connected, the algorithm stops (as it has found a cluster). Otherwise, it
recursively continues processing each of the two subgraphs.
Next: Properties of HCC clustering
Up: The HCC Algorithm
Previous: Oligo fingerprinting
Itshack Pe`er