Change Log


3 Jun 2024

  1. Improved marking end point of robots, especially when is overlapped with a robot

  2. Adding to Solver Viewer a speed slider for adjusting the animation’s speed


21 Apr 2024

  1. Major solver class design changes:
    1. Created to abstract classes: SamplingSolver and TensorSolver

    2. Using inheritance in solver classes

  2. Added Staggered grid solvers

  3. Added new PRM solvers for minimal longest path problem

  4. Merged solvers ExactSingleDisc and ExactSinglePoly into ExactSingle

  5. Solver viewer:
    1. Enable to stop solving process in the middle

    2. Enable to close the program during solving process

    3. Faster cleanup of graph


16 Mar 2024

  1. Fixing installation issue in MacOS (regarding pyQt)


13 Feb 2024

  1. Supporting rod robots and Added BasicRodPRM solver


Internal version

  1. Added ExactSinglePoly solver


10 Jan 2024

  1. Added bounding box to solver (visualization and configuration)

  2. Fixing leak issues in gui tools

  3. Improving graphs’ appearance and resolution in Solver viewer


1 Jan 2024

  1. Added padding to result robot paths if not same size


25 Dec 2023

  1. Bug fixes in tools

  2. Documentation improvements


Internal version

  1. Update CGAL and CGAL python bindings

  2. Improved installation process - whl file and via pipenv

  3. Added command line arguments to Solver viewer


Internal version

  1. Basic package code (bindings, gui, solver infrastructure)

  2. Added solvers: PRM, RRT, BiRRT, dRRT, ExactSingleDisc

  3. Added tools: Solver viewer, Scene designer