Let C be a clique of oriented vertices in .
We say that C
is happy if for every oriented vertex
and every
such that
there exists an
oriented vertex
such that
For example, in the overlap graph shown
in figure 11.9(c)
are happy cliques, but
We use the following claim:
Claim 11.13
The reversal defined by a vertex x with maximum unoriented degree
(maximum number of unoriented neighbors) in
a happy clique C creates no new unoriented components.
Proof:Suppose that such a reversal created an unoriented component M.
M contains a neighbor y of x:
Suppose otherwise. But we know that M is unoriented.
Therefore neighborhood relationships and orientation in M are
unchanged, thus M must have been unoriented before the
reversal, and this contradicts to the happy clique definition.
M contains no neighbor of x outside C. Therefore :
Suppose to the contrary that there exist
such that
There are two cases to examine:
Either e was unoriented before applying the reversal r, hence
e is oriented and so is M - a contradiction. Otherwise, e is
oriented, and by the definition of the happy clique C, e has an
oriented neighbor g, unadjacent to x. Therefore ,
its orientation remains unchanged by applying r, thus M is
oriented - a contradiction.
Every unoriented neighbor of x is adjacent to y:
Suppose to
the contrary that z is an unoriented neighbor of x, unadjacent
to y. Then after applying r, z is oriented, and adjacent to
y, hence ,
contradicting M being unoriented.
Every unoriented edge
has a
neighbor. Otherwise, suppose i<j and
is odd (the
other cases are analogous). Then
appears between
and so is
for all k,
by induction - a contradiction. Therefore, y has, after applying
r, an unoriented neighbor z. Then
and z is not
adjacent to x. Then y has more unoriented neighbors then x,
a contradiction to the choice of x.
Claim 11.13 implies,For example, that
the reversal defined by the gray edge (10,11) is a safe proper
reversal for the permutation of figure 11.9 (a),
since it corresponds to the vertex with maximum unoriented degree
in the happy clique
On the other hand, the
reversal defined by (2,3) creates a new unoriented component,
as it yields the permutation shown in figure 11.10.
Next:Implicit Representation of the Up:An Algorithm for Sorting Previous:A New ProofItshack Pe`er 1999-03-16